I really wish I could listen live to Iron Sharpens Iron Tuesday, but I will be traveling. My dear friend Pastor Jim Handyside will be Chris Arnzen’s guest tomorrow. Of course, I call him my dear friend despite the fact that no one has pierced me through more thoroughly than dear Jim. After preaching at his church in Anniesland (just outside of Glasgow) a few years ago, we went back to his home for some fellowship. While his dear wife made us our tradition cheese toast, we discussed the sermon, during which I had used, briefly anyway, my exemplary and polished Scottish accent. Brother Jim, with a twinkle in his eye, looked at me and said, in his own deep Scottish brogue (which you will get to hear on ISI tomorrow), “Brother, if I may say, your Scottish accents sounds to me like a mixture of Italian and Pakistani.” Ah yes, the love of the brethren! So be sure to be listening Tuesday on Iron Sharpens Iron for Pastor Jim Handyside. I bet you won’t even be able to tell the difference between his speech and my own Scottish accent! Well, ok, maybe you will, but it will be difficult!

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