A jumbo edition of the DL today, beginning with our letting you know of two international trips coming up this Fall, one to South Africa in October, the other to Kiev in December.  We need your help to make these trips happen and to schedule other opportunities of ministry while traveling to and from.  If you can help with this special need, click here.

Then I spent some time looking at Psalm 33 and its witness to the intimate and unbreakable relationship between God’s knowledge of human actions with God’s sovereign decree (against Molinism).

Then we had to switch from the divine to the ludicrous, responding to the many lies and distortions promoted by Peter Lumpkins and Timothy Rogers in recent articles, found here and here.  Rogers’ article is particularly noteworthy for its fantastic myth-making and distortion of history, which you can determine for yourself (if you really want to dig into it!) by going here and following the links backwards to the relevant rather full documentation on what happened in 2006 when the Caners backed out of the Liberty debate by arbitrarily throwing their credibility and honor under the bus.

Here is the YouTube link:


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