Responding to Chris Pinto’s Textus Receptus Onlyism

An Introduction to Textual Criticism: Part 12–The Eclectic Text Position: “Reasoned Eclecticism”

An Introduction to Textual Criticism: Part 10–“Traditional Text” Positions: Byzantine-Priority

An Introduction to Textual Criticism: Part 6–The Challenge to the Received Text

Did Mark Write Mark 16:9-20? A Textual Criticism Case Study

Joel McDurmon’s Allegation of Ad-Hominem Argumentation

Pyromaniac Byzantine Scribes Destroying God’s Word? Oh My!

The Debate That Never Was -- James White's Challenge to Dr. Peter Ruckman to Debate+

The Debate That Never Was — James White’s Challenge to Dr. Peter Ruckman to Debate

From the Lips of Jesus or a Scribal Hand?<br> Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing" ">+

From the Lips of Jesus or a Scribal Hand?
Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”

From the Lips of Jesus or a Scribal Hand? +

From the Lips of Jesus or a Scribal Hand? “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” – Luke 23:34a

Francis Beckwith: ETS Shows Sympathies for the Catholic Canon+

Francis Beckwith: ETS Shows Sympathies for the Catholic Canon

8 Reasons Why It Is Fallacious for KJVO Advocates to Invoke the Majority Rule

If You Understand One Thing About The “King James Only” Phenomenon it is Imperative to Know This…

Gary Michuta, Josephus, and the Twenty-Two Books of the Hebrew Bible

Bill Webster Responds to Gary Michuta, Part II

A Critical Assessment of the Graf-Wellhausen Documentary Hypothesis

The Pre-existence of Christ In Scripture, Patristics and Creed

A Colorful Response to The King James Only Controversy Falls Way Short - James White Responds to Dr. Thomas Holland+

A Colorful Response to The King James Only Controversy Falls Way Short – James White Responds to Dr. Thomas Holland

Is the Church of the Council of Nicaea the Roman Catholic Church? - A Debate Between James White and John Mary+

Is the Church of the Council of Nicaea the Roman Catholic Church? – A Debate Between James White and John Mary

A Response to Dr. Kirk D. DiVietro’s “85 Large Pages of Scholarly Refutation!”

The Theonomy-L Debate — Dr. Theodore Letis’ Unwillingness to Deal With the Plain Issues

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