I was sent a follow up comment from Dr. Walls:


My good friend and philosophical ally Luke Van Horn informs me that James White has continued his critique of my lecture “What’s Wrong with Calvinism” on his podcast. While it appears he misses the point of my argument at times, and attempts to diminish its force by casting it as philosophical, I must say I appreciate that he is playing it on the air and at least letting me speak for myself before offering his rebuttal. And honestly, I kinda like the guy, and not just because he is bald. As someone who has been known to get intense about biblical, theological and philosophical issues myself from time to time, I appreciate his passion and desire to honor what he believes scripture teaches. So thanks James, bring it on.

I won’t bother with the comments this time—you all know how I feel about internet comboxes. But I am thankful for the kind words. I will have to reiterate, tomorrow on the Dividing Line, that part of my argument that Dr. Walls’ followers, anyway, seem to be missing, relating to the origins and starting points of our positions. I truly believe we differ on what we place in the first position as most important, and this determines much of what comes thereafter in our arguments. But in any case, after spending a few moments explaining our motivations for doing the Ergun Caner seminar next Tuesday night in Lindale, we will move back into a response to Walls, and then, as we must, spend that last half hour continuing our response to Yusuf Ismail as well.

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