I cannot express enough my gratitude to God for establishing this ministry and leading me to it. This ministry has done so much to help me understand my own faith better. I deeply appreciate the debates, the books, and the teaching of this ministry.

By watching the debates, I have been able to better understand what it is that I believe as a Christian. In the process of combating the many false religions/doctrines James White has presented the clear and historic Christian faith. I have a much clearer and better understanding of the Trinity, TULIP, how my Bible came to me as I have it, and the many other topics that Dr. White has debated. Because of this, I have been able to much better engage the Mormon missionaries that come to my door and want to share their “faith” with me. It isn’t so much that I know what they believe but I can present an easy to understand presentation of orthodox Christianity to them. They have also given me questions to ask the missionaries to help move the conversation along and to engage the missionaries.

Speaking of Mormonism, the books that James White has written have deepened my faith tremendously. I am thinking most specifically Letters to a Mormon Elder. This book presents an in-depth look at Mormonism and presents a clear Biblical response. Again, I learned more about the prophet Isaiah by reading that book then I had in my seminary course on Isaiah. That is nothing against the prof. but White’s exegesis of the Isaiah texts really helped me to see Yahweh as Isaiah, and the Bible as a whole, presents him in all of his majestic splendor.

I can remember a pair of sermons that James White preached last year in Canada and he mentioned that he was preaching from the original languages, both Hebrew and Greek. That really inspired me to learn my GNT and Hebrew Old Testament well enough to preach from the originals. I cannot explain why, but seeing Dr. White’s command of the oringinal languages and how it aids in his preaching was something that I feel every preacher should have–whether it is practical or not is another issue. My own desire to learn the languages have only increased because of his preaching and webcast. I want to be able to present the Scriptures to the people with the most authoritative and correct way possible. I deeply thank Dr. White for showing me what it looks like when a person will master the languages (even his learning Arabic to better engage Islam).

Dr. White, your ministry has deepened by own relationship with Jesus Christ because of the things you all do. Do keep up the good work and I wish you would have done the resurrection debate with Ehrman at Midwestern Seminary in KC this past February. I actually shook the man’s hand and that was fun. I would have enjoyed what you would have brought to the debate (the Dividing Lines were good interactions though).


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