Here’s a video clip of Mr. Camping explaining what the end of the world will be like. Mr. Camping explains exactly what will happen on the last day. This video clip is from an interview in Camping’s Oakland office a few weeks ago. From the article which accompanies this video:

“He’s also unafraid to talk about the toll his evangelical beliefs have taken on his personal life. Camping has seven children and grandchildren into the double digits, yet only his daughter Susan, who works as his executive secretary, shares his take on the Bible. ‘She’s the only one who’s with me on this,’ he told me.”

Update: TurretinFan comments:

Back in 1994, Harold Camping’s predictions regarding the end of the world did not come true. The world continued on. He has new predictions that the rapture will occur on May 21, 2011, with world continuing for another 153 days from then. One of his predictions, as you will see in the clip, is that there will be a massive earthquake that is large enough to open all of the graves of, in essence, everyone who has ever been buried. I hope that those who have been following Camping’s teaching will realize on May 22, 2011, that this was a serious mistake.Mr. Camping’s method of Biblical interpretation is flawed. Rather than using the grammatical-historical method of exegesis, Mr. Camping applies a highly arbitrary method of trying “decode” a “hidden meaning” in the text of Scripture. The arbitrary method permitted him to predict late 1994, and now permits him to predict May 21, 2011. If that date fails, it will permit him to pick a new date, and again and again.What’s more, folks should be aware that Camping is running his organization this way: “we make decisions as if the end could be quite far away … contracts are negotiated as if the future was altogether indefinite … ” (source – Time Has an End). May I strongly urge those who have gone along with Mr. Camping’s teachings to please at least imitate this aspect of Camping’s organizations. Continue to make plans for the future beyond May 21, 2011. When the earthquake does not arrive, find a Bible-believing church near you and join yourself to that fellowship.

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