A Quick Plug…

Confessions of a Former Charismatic, Part 2: Why I’m No Longer a Charismatic

Confessions of a Former Charismatic, Part 1: Me and Benny Hinn

CNN’s Take On Mormonism

Presuppositional Apologetics and the Trinity

The True State of the Reprobate

A Brief Introduction to the Qur’an: The Qur’an and the Old Testament

An Introduction to Textual Criticism: Part 12–The Eclectic Text Position: “Reasoned Eclecticism”

An Introduction to Textual Criticism: Part 11–The Eclectic Text Position: “Thoroughgoing Eclecticism”

An Introduction to Textual Criticism: Part 10–“Traditional Text” Positions: Byzantine-Priority

An Introduction to Textual Criticism: Part 9–“Traditional Text” Positions: The Ecclesiastical Text

An Introduction to Textual Criticism: Part 8–“Traditional Text” Positions: Textus Receptus and Majority Text Only

An Introduction to Textual Criticism: Part 7–The Task of Textual Criticism: Weighing the Evidence

An Introduction to Textual Criticism: Part 6–The Challenge to the Received Text

An Introduction to Textual Criticism: Part 5–The Received Text

An Introduction to Textual Criticism: Part 4–The Role of Church History in Textual Criticism

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