The Believer’s Security — A Response to James Akin

No, I am not Your Brother, but a Little Honesty Would be Nice Anyway – A Brief Reply to D.L. Barksdale

Historical Dishonesty and the Watchtower Society: Ignatius and the Deity of Christ

Doctrines Lead to Biblical Theology – A Response To Dr. Estep

Long Island 1998 - Seventeen speaking/teaching/debating opportunities in thirteen days+

Long Island 1998 – Seventeen speaking/teaching/debating opportunities in thirteen days

The POPE - How Biblical and Ancient Is The Papacy? - A Protestant vs Catholic Debate+

The POPE – How Biblical and Ancient Is The Papacy? – A Protestant vs Catholic Debate

Miscellaneous Thoughts and Ramblings and Things Like That…

Robert Sungenis and ἐπὶ ταύτῃ

A Response to David Palm’s Article on Oral Tradition from This Rock Magazine, May, 1995

Does Mormonism Teach That God the Father Physically Begat the Son?+

Does Mormonism Teach That God the Father Physically Begat the Son?

A Review of and Response to “Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium

A Review and Rebuttal of Steve Ray’s Article, Why the Bereans Rejected Sola Scriptura

Joseph Smith the Translator

Quotations from Mormon Leaders on the Christian Faith

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