James Dolezal’s Biblical Evidence for DDS

Two Responses, More Than Two Hours

A First For the Last Day of 2021!

Cultic KJVOism, then a Deep Dive into Theological Method

Canada’s Official Rejection of Christ’s Claims: Bill C4

Reviewing Reasonable Faith’s Comments

Simplicity, Molinism, and More

Aquinas Invades the Reformed Baptists, Tim Stratton Continued

First Program on Odysee: Omicron Variants, SCOTUS Case, TROnlyism Again, Responding to Tim Stratton

When Reformed Becomes Deformed, the Fatal Flaw of Molinism Pressed

UPDATE! Live Not By Lies Episode 20,000, then the Key to Middle Knowledge

James Lindsay on John 1:1, then Calls

Review of Today’s Totalitarian Nonsense, the Importance of History, Psalm 110, Psalm 12 and KJVOism

It’s Just a Coincidence Illustrated, Back to Middle Knowledge with WLC

A New Open Phones Format Show!

Get A Deep Seat in the Saddle, Ma!

A Sad Twitter Thread, an Hour on the Knowledge and Decree of God

Catching Up on the Culture of Death

Freedom is the Primary Casualty of the Experimental, Mandated Vaccines

Clearing the Table Before Tomorrow’s Radio Free Geneva

Being Reformed, Provisionism in Rome, Aquinas in Geneva

Road Tripping in El Paso

Redefining Family, Chic Racism, Horse-Dewormer, Religious Exemptions

The Sacraments of the State

ECM of Mark, Mormons Hide in Basements, Gregory on the Spirit

Encouraging Stories, More on Romans 13, New CV19 Studies

FDA Goes Warp Speed, Todd Friel Wears Pinwheels

Road Trip DL from Boise

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