Responding to a Roman Catholic Convert

Too Many Topics Today To Remember!

Eschatological Madness about Israel, Further Review of Muhammed Hijab

Quick Thoughts on Ohio and the Pope, then Continuation of Radio Free Geneva

Radio Free Geneva: Jason Breda on John 6, Part I

Dr. Downer Does Reformation Day, and Lots More

Zach Lambert’s Sermon Concluded

More on Relevant Islamic Beliefs, Response to Challenges from Islamic Debater

Final Road Trip DL for Now! Mainly a Review of a “Former Calvinist” and His Handling of Scripture

Road Trippin to G3: Preview of G3 and Debate Report

Road Trip Dividing Line: California’s Secular Tyranny, Our Response, Some Taylor Marshall Tweets

Back on the Road from Albuquerque: Reflections on a Quarter Century of Responding to Homosexual Argumentation

Continued Response to Trent Horn on the Nature of Scripture, It’s Sufficiency, and Rome’s Claims

Responding to Trent Horn on Theopneustos, Part I

Some Voices from the Past, the Importance of Biblicism

New Video on Eastern Orthodoxy, Biblicism is “Cultic,” Dale Tuggy States His Position

Jumbo Road Trip Edition on Twitter!

A Jumbo Road Trip DL!

A New Low of Depravity, Wolfe on Dever, Anthony Bernabei Exposed

What are We Conserving? What are we Debating?

Road Trip Dividing Line: It Wasn’t Broke, We Fixed It Anyway

Christian Nationalism, Sacralism, and Christian Maturity

Mega-Size DL Response to Mike Riccardi and Derrick Brite

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