The Episode to Treat Insomnia

Another Road Trip DL

Equipped to Engage Conference will be LIVE at 6:00pm EDT

Live with Dr. Jason Lisle from Colorado Springs

A Multi-Faceted Program

Theodicy: A Defense of God’s Holiness and Sovereignty in Light of the Existence of Evil

First DL from Mobile Command Center, Then Dale Tuggy Punches Low

Dividing Line/Sheologians Mash Up

Travel, Worldview, Flowers and Open Theism

“White Nature,” the 1946 Lie, Jimmy Akin

A Post-Chauvin Verdict Show

Marty Duren and Big Eva, Vaccine Passports, and then Open Phones

The Coming SBC Split

Various Woke Explosions, Tim Keller, then Trent Horn

Judas and Open Theism, Preston Sprinkle and Pronoun Hospitality

Relevant Hit Piece, Targeting Home Schoolers, Acts 8:37

Identity Christianity, Brandon Tatum and the Deity of Christ

The Day After

Catching Up on Events

Lewis’ “Prophecies,” Cosmic Reconciliation, the Beauty of Creation

Who We are Subject To, and a Response to Jimmy Akin on Pope Francis

Post Election Rambling for Christians

WEF’s Utopia, Live Not By Lies, the Slick v. Shamoun Debate

The Pope, the Red Pill, the Muslims, and John Piper

Responding to Tim Staples on Catholic Answers Live on Sola Scriptura

Lots of Topics to Finish the Week!

The War on Language: Part 1

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