Live from GBTS with Jeff Johnson and Owen Strachan

Evanescent Grace

Covid Tyranny, then 1 Cor 10:13, John 12:32

Two Responses, More Than Two Hours

Starting of 2022 on the Right Foot: John 6 and Acts 4

A First For the Last Day of 2021!

Cultic KJVOism, then a Deep Dive into Theological Method

Canada’s Official Rejection of Christ’s Claims: Bill C4

When Reformed Becomes Deformed, the Fatal Flaw of Molinism Pressed

James Lindsay on John 1:1, then Calls

It’s Just a Coincidence Illustrated, Back to Middle Knowledge with WLC

Get A Deep Seat in the Saddle, Ma!

A Sad Twitter Thread, an Hour on the Knowledge and Decree of God

Freedom is the Primary Casualty of the Experimental, Mandated Vaccines

Live with Dr. Jason Lisle from Colorado Springs

The Regime Tightens Its Control, A Review of Dr. Gagnon’s Soteriology Posts on Facebook

A Multi-Faceted Program

Theodicy: A Defense of God’s Holiness and Sovereignty in Light of the Existence of Evil

A Packed Program

Canadian Tyranny and Anthony Bradley Remote Diagnosis

The Coming SBC Split

Special Guest Tom Buck/1 Corinthians 1 and a Debate

Max Lucado’s Apology for Having Spoken the Truth, Ravi Zacharias Scandal, and Yes, Mildred, He’s a Postmillennialist

A Biblical Case for Civil Disobedience & the Right Use of Romans 13

The Day After

Where Do We Go From Here? Staying Faithful in the Future+

Where Do We Go From Here? Staying Faithful in the Future

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