Issues Relating to Reformed Baptists

Twitter-Driven DL from Dolores, Colorado

Further Thoughts on the Origins of the Term “Biblicism”

A Review of “The Revealed God”

Kenoticism Examined

The Revealed God with Jeffrey Johnson; Stephen Wolfe’s 2024 Resolutions

End of the Year Dividing Line: General Cultural Topics, then TRBs.

Francis’ Fiducia Supplicans Examined in Context and a Follow Up on Last Week’s “Neo-Socinian” Accusation

Rutgers’ Racist Professor, More Muhammed Hijab, and the Neo-Socinian Nonsense Again

Road Trip Shorter DL: Conclusion of Longshore Response

Poor Jared…Yes, Back to the Response

A Little Francis, But Mainly Responding to Jared Longshore

On The Origin of the Term +

On The Origin of the Term “Biblicism”

Dr. Downer Does Reformation Day, and Lots More

Final Road Trip DL for Now! Mainly a Review of a “Former Calvinist” and His Handling of Scripture

Jumbo Dividing Line: Biblicism is the Road to Rome (Steve Meister)? Then Semantic Domains and Much More

The Epistle of Barnabas (~130): Baptism Is By Immersion

Some Voices from the Past, the Importance of Biblicism

New Video on Eastern Orthodoxy, Biblicism is “Cultic,” Dale Tuggy States His Position

Christian Nationalism, Sacralism, and Christian Maturity

Secularism’s Insanity, then Credo’s Promotion of Scholasticism

Mega-Size DL Response to Mike Riccardi and Derrick Brite

Responding to Rome Including a Review of Indulgentiarum Doctrina

J.E. Smith and the Action of the Son in Philippians 2

A Multi-Faceted Dividing Line

TMS and DMCA, Why I Don’t Worship “A Particular Relational Inflection”

Road Trip Dividing Line: New Plans, Greear on the Church’s Failure, Fesko against Van Til, Preview of Radio Free Geneva

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