Well, Theology Matters

Total Insanity at the Start, then on to Important Issues about Secularism, Homosexuality, and Regeneration

An Hour Long Discussion About What Matters: Freedom, Dividing Lines, Catholicity, the Lordship of Christ

James White’s Upcoming Appearances in South Africa

Demythologizing Scholarship: James Brownson Examined

Review: God Without Passions: A Primer by Samuel Renihan

Outlasting the Gay Revolution: Michael Brown’s New Book (Plus Some Fun Interaction Toward the End on Other Important Matters)

A Mega Size Dividing Line: Matthew Vines, NT Wright, Yusuf Ismail, and More

Final Observations on the Leighton Flowers Discussion (With Addendum)+

Final Observations on the Leighton Flowers Discussion (With Addendum)

The Romans 9 Debate Audio is Now Available

Is James White a Hyper-Calvinist? A Response to Dr. David Allen

A Mega RFG: Federal Headship Affirmed vs. “Traditionalist” Southern Baptist Denials

Yes, Perry, Hebrew Has Multiple Words that Mean “Command”; and Uber Confident Devin Rose Demands I Own a Time Machine

Markan Fragment, Panbenevolence, More of MB’s Opening Statement

NJ/NY Trip Details/Examining Carl Lentz on HuffPo

The Soft, Kind, Loving Face of Hate

When You Get to Stand Where Ahmed Deedat Stood...+

When You Get to Stand Where Ahmed Deedat Stood…

Jason Stellman’s Unmitigated Disaster

The Tremendous Dishonesty of Bob Enyart

The Good Ol’ Boys of Georgia and Calls on a Variety of Topics

Monday Miscellaneous


SBCToday – Calvinism vs Pelagianism

A Response to Matthew Vines

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