I will be addressing clips from Barack Obama’s Saturday speech to the Human Rights Campaign, a radical group promoting super rights based upon sexual behavior, on both the Dividing Line and then immediately afterward, Iron Sharpens Iron. I will share here the one line that, as I listened to the speech on Saturday evening, caused me to stop the recording and roll it back to make sure I heard it correctly. And though it has gotten next to no commentary (Dr. Mohler likewise saw it as the most important statement), it is without a doubt the most important part of the speech:

You will see a time in which we as a nation finally recognize relationships between two men or two women as just as real and admirable as relationships between a man and a woman. (Applause.) — President Barack Obama, October 10, 2009

To which I respond:

The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men. (Psalm 12:8, God)

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