Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Two Contrasting Views of Islam, and Then a Little on CRISPR (Jumbo Edition)
James White, , Christian Worldview, General Apologetics, Islam, The Dividing LineSpent the first 70 minutes or so contrasting two videos on Islam, one from Talk Islam decrying the violence in Paris, the other the newest ISIS promo video which I call “ISIS Hollywood.” Lots of discussion of sources, interpretation, etc., especially in light of the ridiculous accusation that honestly recognizing differences amongst Muslims makes you “soft” on Islam. Then toward
Christian Logic, or Secular Ignorance?
James White, , Christian WorldviewThis graphic was sent to me this morning, and I think it is a fine example of the kind of ignorance and prejudice we need to be quick to respond to with grace and clarity in our ever darkening culture. I will be looking at this graphic on the Dividing Line today at 7pm EDT. Join us then!
Theodicy: A Defense of God’s Holiness and Sovereignty in Light of the Existence of Evil
James White, , Christian Worldview, General Apologetics, Pastoral TheologyTen years ago this month I invested just under two hours responding to objections to the Christian faith from a young man who was, in essence, leaving the faith. This was one of the most in-depth discussions I’ve offered, over the course of three days, of the topic of theodicy, and that in specific response to someone who was leaving
A Biblical Case for Civil Disobedience & the Right Use of Romans 13
James White, , Abortion, Christian Worldview, Church History, Exegesis, Godly Disciplines, Pastoral Theology, Pauline Studies, Persecution, Post-Evangelicalism, Racialism, UncategorizedThe following is a combined text of five articles by Tim Cantrell, originally published as separate blog articles, on the topic of Romans 13, etc. I made reference to this series today on the Dividing Line. This is an excellent study to go along with my comments on the program today. Clearly, Tim is ministering outside the US context, as
Psalm 73 and Postmodernism Continued
James White, , Christian WorldviewI was looking at Brian McLaren and postmodernism and the Emergent Church movement a few days ago, and wish to continue with that theme here. In CT an article on “Emergent Evangelism” appeared wherein we read: Making absolute truth claims—so important to evangelism in the modern era—becomes problematic in the postmodern context. Instead, he said, we can focus on recruiting
Debate: Who is God? Joe Ventilacion, Rapid City, South Dakota, 4/21/2017
James White, , Debate
Lots of Things to Interest a Wide Variety of Folks
James White, , Christian Worldview, General Apologetics, Homosexuality, Islam, Reformed Apologetics, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing LineGave a brief report on my trip to Spain (having gotten home late last evening) and then spent time discussing Marco Rubio’s comments on attending a ceremony wherein marriage is profaned and blasphemed. Then we looked at an article by Roger Olson demonstrating that anti-Reformed sentiment leads many to reject God’s right to define Himself, and His own goodness. Then
On Pots Demanding Evidence of the Potter
James White, , Christian WorldviewA number of years ago I wrote a little tract on atheism. I included it in the new tomb book given the prevalence of naturalistic materialism in the worldviews of those involved with the Tomb theory. I addressed the issue of “evidence” in the following manner: Take the issue of evidence as an example. You claim you find no evidence
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