I almost fell off my chair when I heard Kurt Jaros say that we (those who hold to a covenantal apologetic) are borrowing from other apologetic methodologies, when we use evidences. The covenantal apologetic has always held to the idea that everything in the created universe evidences God’s existence. The issue here, is that each particular evidence has to have a Christian interpretation of the evidence, and not simple some “fact” out there that is uninterpreted. Why? Because God created the heavens, and the earth, the sea and all that in them is (Ex. 20:11). Or, as Scott Oliphint has recently stated it “Reality is what God says it is.” This biblical notion should not be hard for the Christian to understand, but it does point out the fact that apologetics can not be separated from our theology (i.e. if God created all things, and he did, reality is what He says it is). This is the context in which we declare the existence of God and His works in creation and in providence.
Since the use of evidences in our apologetic has become an issue as of late (and I for one am glad it has), the folks at Reformed Forum recorded a program addressing this very issue. To listen click here. You may also want to get a copy of Thom Nataro’s book Van Til’s Use of Evidences.
Also, don’t forget to order your copy of Scott Oliphint’s new book A Covenantal Apologetic.