Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Debate: Is Jesus God Almighty? Shadid Lewis, New Hyde Park Baptist Church, Long Island, NY, 11/14/2014
James White, , Debate, Uncategorized
A Jumbo Road Trip DL!
James White, , Debate, Exegesis, General Apologetics, Personal, Reformed Apologetics, Road Trip, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line, UnitarianismStarted off today’s program talking about upcoming debates. Unfortunately, during the program itself, Chris Arnzen got word that Dr. Brownson will not be pursuing the debate on the 16th of September. However, we have another opponent lined up and will be able to give you information on that in a few days. Spent a while responding to portions of a
Debate: Are Temples Consistent with the New Testament? Richard Hopkins, Salt Lake City, Utah, 4/2/2004
James White, , Debate, Mormonism, The Dividing LineJames White debates Richard Hopkins on the history and biblical nature of constructing and need for Temples in the New Testament. Given the LDS emphasis on temple work this is a very important subject for reaching LDS people.
SCOTUS Madness, Then Open Phones
James White, , Church Fathers, Debate, Eschatology, Open Phones, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, The Dividing LineTalked a bit about the insane responses to a common sense SCOTUS decision, then went to the phones, covering Ignatius and the Eucharist (here’s the video I mentioned), what to do when asked to leave a church over Calvinism, supralapsarianism and the divine decree, intinction, Jeremiah 31:33/Romans 2:15, and finally “intellectual dispensationalism.”
Road Trip: Debate, Is the Doctrine of Sola Scriptura True? Trent Horn, First Lutheran Church, Houston, Texas, 2/16/24
James White, , Debate, Road Trip
Debate: Trinity and Tawid, Yusuf Bux, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, 10/4/2013
James White, , Debate
Debate: Christian Muslim Dialogue, Yasir Qadhi, Cordova, Tennessee, 1/27/2017
Rich Pierce, , Debate, Islam
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