Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Todd White Discovers Spurgeon, Timothy Cho, Free Speech, TR-Onlyism
James White, , Debate, Misc, Musings, Pastoral Theology, Persecution, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Racialism, Textual Issues, The Dividing Line, TROnlyismStarted off with a brief clip from the now famous Todd White sermon from two days ago, then talked a bit about Timothy Cho’s tweets, one on the nuclear family, the other on face masks. I spent a few minutes going over my arguments on the mask mandates in response. Briefly talked about a student kicked out of student government
Debating 101
James White, , Debate, The Dividing LineHad so much positive feedback on Twitter when I mentioned possibly doing a program where I just go over debate prep, tools, rules, practice, etc., just had to do it! I didn’t expect it to go nearly two hours, but I guess I should have! Hope you enjoy it!
A Sorta Radio Free Geneva from the New Rig
James White, , Debate, Exegesis, Provisionism, Radio Free Geneva, Reformed Apologetics, Road Trip, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersI really had not expected to get into this as deeply as we did, and this should have been a Radio Free Geneva, but be that as it may…we looked at the new film against “Once Saved, Always Saved,” listened to the opening section, talked about the necessary background issues, and then looked at the film’s vain attempt to get
Debate: Can Men Become Gods? Martin Tanner, Salt Lake City, Utah, 10/5/2002
James White, , Debate, Mormonism, The Dividing LineThe issue of the nature of God is the dividing line that separates Mormonism from Biblical Christianity. Mormon apologists over the past few decades have begun appealing to the early church fathers and the doctrine of ‘theosis,’ asserting that if we acknowledge the Christian standing of these early Christians, then we should not question the claim that Mormons are Christians
Debate: Is Jesus God? Patrick Navas, 11/25/2011
James White, , Debate Part 1 Part 2
Debate: Purgatory: Biblical or Mythical? Fr. Peter Stravinskas, Long Island, New York, 5/24/2001
James White, , Debate, Roman CatholicismIs it necessary to have the sins purged of those who are in Christ Jesus before they can go to heaven? This is the famous/infamous ‘Pay now, pay later’ debate, so named for Dr. Stravinskas’ response to a question regarding a passage from Tobit. This debate quickly drifts off of Purgatory to the underlying issue of authority and Rome’s claim
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