Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Debate: Has Islam Misunderstood Christianity? Bassam Zawadi, New South Wales, Australia, 2/12/2011
James White, , Debate
The Wisdom of the World, Then Two Important LDS Issues
James White, , Christian Worldview, Debate, General Apologetics, Mormonism, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Reformed Apologetics, The Dividing Line, ThomismDid an early show today (but still had a large live audience for some reason!) and mainly covered two topics: first, a blog article Phil Johnson wrote 15 years ago that Stephen Wolfe identified as “moronic,” and then two LDS topics that illustrate just how much the Mormon Church has changed over the past forty years. Enjoy!
James Cone’s Children, Then In-Depth on the Immaculate Conception
James White, , Church Fathers, Church History, Debate, Eastern Orthodoxy, Racialism, Reformed Apologetics, Roman Catholicism, Textual Issues, The Dividing LineSpent just a few minutes at the start on the video of a black Baptist pastor applying the words of Isaiah 53 to John Lewis, explaining how this is perfectly consistent with Black Liberation Theology as developed by James Cone. Then got into a lengthy church history segment focusing upon the historical development of the Immaculate Conception and why any
Debate: Is Muhammed Prophesied in the Bible? Zakir Hussain, London, 9/17/2012
Rich Pierce, , Debate, Islam
Debate: Was Paul an Apostle of Jesus or an Innovator? Dr. Abdullah Kunde, Sydney, Australia, 10/17/2019
James White, , Debate
Road Trip: Debate, Why Calvinism? Conference, The Reformed Doctrine of Atonement is Biblical and Important, Jason Breda, South Jackson Civic Center, Tullahoma, Tennessee, 2/24/24
James White, , Debate, Road Trip
Continued Response to Trent Horn on the Nature of Scripture, It’s Sufficiency, and Rome’s Claims
James White, , Church Fathers, Church History, Debate, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing LineWe continued our response to and review of Trent Horn’s video, here, dealing with his attempt to get around the reality that he is personally not in a position to foist a novel definition upon the entire Church, let alone to call it the “death knell” of sola scriptura.
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