Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Debate: Does the Bible Restrict Marriage To A Man and a Woman? Graeme Codrington, Johannesburg, South Africa, 8/17/2019
Chris Whisonant, , Christian Worldview, Debate, Homosexuality, ResourcesOn August 17, 2019, James White debated Graeme Codrington at Fountainebleau Community Church in Randburg, Johannesburg, South Africa on the thesis: The Bible Limits Marriage to a Natural Man and a Natural Woman. This was the natural continuation of the debate from three years ago.
Debate: The Fall of Adam and Its Consequences, Gilbert Scharffs, Salt Lake City, Utah, 4/5/2002
James White, , Debate, Mormonism, The Dividing LineJames White vs Gilbert Scharffs James White debates Mormon apologist Gilbert Scharffs on the meaning of sin. This debate is an excellent example of the major divide that exists between Mormons and Christians on the depravity of man. Dr. Scharffs is the retired director of the LDS Institute of Religion at the University of Utah. He has a PhD from
Provisionist Palaver, Trent Horn on Argumentation, A Few Moments with Carl Trueman and Doctrinal Development
James White, , Church Fathers, Church History, Debate, Ken Wilson, Molinism, Open Theism, Personal, Provisionism, Reformed Apologetics, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, ThomismMy apologies for all the coughs and sniffs, I actually feel pretty good, but the voice and sinuses—not so much. Spent time talking about God’s decree over against Provisionist palaver (look it up), then looked at some Trent Horn material in preparation for a few weeks from now, and finished up with a real quick section from the Carl Trueman
What the Celebration of Perversity Tells Us, Then, Trent Horn and the Trajectory of Rome
James White, , Christian Worldview, Church Fathers, Church History, Debate, Eastern Orthodoxy, Homosexuality, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing LineSpent the first portion of the program discussing what the “drag queen” phenomenon tells us about our culture today before shifting to a completely different topic based upon the debate on sola scriptura between Gavin Ortlund and Trent Horn.
Debate: Does the Quran Misrepresent Christianity? Bassam Zawadi, New South Wales, Australia, 2/12/2011
James White, , Debate
Debate: The Mass, Robert Sungenis, Long Island, New York, 5/1999
James White, , Debate
Provisionist Mythology Refuted with Full Documentation
James White, , Debate, Exegesis, Provisionism, The Dividing LineSpent two hours documenting the incredible mythology generated by Leighton Flowers and his guests regarding my supposed “Greek errors” over the past ten days. Everyone who has heard the stories should watch, take notes, and verify for yourselves. Truly, the end of the story, and time to move on. Hope you find it helpful!
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