One of the new features that we have on this site is a searchable table of the debates of James White that are available online.

You can view all of them from the James White page. You can search by debate topic, opponent, or even dates. There are currently 153 debates listed, but if there is one that you find missing, let us know through our social media accounts. I actually just found one today that was missing!

Where available we have the link to the YouTube video of the debate as well as the SermonAudio link.

Also on that page are links to his books and a listing of articles.

And to make things easier, here is the same listing of the debates – enjoy!

DateDebate TitleDebate Opponent(s)Location
10/26/2024The true worship of God is nothing less than the self-offering of Jesus Christ, which is only offered in the Catholic liturgy.vs. Tom RielloMobile, Alabama
8/7/2024The Nature Of The New Covenantvs. Jared Longshore
8/2/2024Does God Know the Future Exhaustively and Perfectly?vs. Tim BarberHighlands Ranch, Colorado
4/25/2024How Does One Find Peace with God?vs. Jimmy AkinLivingston, Louisiana
4/24/2024Sola Scripturavs. Jimmy AkinLivingston, Louisiana
2/23/2024The Reformed Doctrine of Atonement is Biblical and Importantvs. Jason BredaTullahoma, Tennessee
2/17/2024Is The Doctrine of Purgatory True?vs. Trent HornHouston, Texas
2/16/2024Is The Doctrine of Sola Scriptura True?vs. Trent HornHouston, Texas
9/16/2023Is "Gay Christian" a Biblically Acceptable Identity for Members of Christ's Church?vs. Gregory ColesManheim, Pennsylvania
4/1/2023Atheist vs Christian: Do Ethics Depend on God?James White/Jeff Durbin vs. Deen Chatterjee/Jared AndersonSalt Lake City, Utah
2/18/2023Are Modern Translations Superior to the KJV in Any Way?vs. Thomas RossTullahoma, Tennessee
2/8/2023What is Biblical Marriage?vs. Keith GilesHouston, Texas
9/24/2022The Textus Receptus as the Word of God is Equal to the New Testament AutographsPeter Van KleeckLoysville, Pennsylvania
4/22/2022PaedocommunionDebate Follow-upvs. Douglas WilsonMoscow, Idaho
2/11/2022Is Molinism Biblical?vs. Tim StrattonHouston, Texas
10/2/2020Textus Receptus vs. Critical Text vs. Jeffery Riddle
11/13/2019Tawhid or Trinity: Is God One or Three Divine Persons?vs. Dr. Shabir AllyAtlanta, Georgia
10/24/2019Divine Scripture: Bible or Qur'an?vs. Abdullah HamimiMelbourne, Australia
10/17/2019Was Paul an Apostle of Jesus or an Innovator?vs. Dr. Abdullah KundeSydney, Australia
10/3/2019Does the Triune God of the Bible Exist?vs. Greg Clark & Dan Ellis with Jeff Durbin
8/24/2019Has the Qur'an Eternally Existed?vs. Yusuf IsmailDurban, South Africa
8/23/2019What Did Jesus Preach - Christianity or Islam?vs. Ayoob KarimSouth Africa
8/17/2019Does the Bible Restrict Marriage To A Man and a Woman?vs. Graeme CodringtonJohannesburg, South Africa
5/3/2019Who Resembles Jesus? Muslims or Christians?vs. Adnan RashidSelhurst Church, London
2/27/2019The Extent of the Atonementvs. Dr. Michael BrownRevelation TV
1/30/2019Philippians 2, Preexistence!vs. Dr. Anthony BuzzardLondon
12/20/2018Romans 8 Chapter 8vs. Jason Robinson
9/8/2018Is Homosexuality Consistent with New Testament Obedience?With Michael Brown vs. Pastor Deweyne Robinson and Rev. Ruth Jensen-ForbellSwitzerland, Florida
1/17/2018Do We Need the Cross for Salvation?vs. Adnan Rashid
8/15/2017Was Jesus Crucified?vs. Zakir HussainBirmingham, UK
8/23/2017The Predestination Debate-Christianity & Islamvs. Yusuf IsmailDurban, South Africa
5/15/2017Do the Catholic Church’s Teachings on Mary Constitute Authentic Christian Doctrine?vs. Peter D. WilliamsLondon Oratory in St Wilfrid's Hall London, England
4/21/2017Who is God?vs. Joe VentilacionRapid City, South Dakota
3/17/2017War & Peace in Christianity and Islamvs. Abdullah al AndalusiKensington Temple, London, England
1/27/2017Christian Muslim Dialogue
vs. Dr. Yasir QadhiCordova, Tennessee
1/18/2017Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation? vs. Trent Horn2017 G3 Conference Atlanta, Georgia
8/12/2016Romans 9 - Calvinism Debatevs. Steve TassiNorwalk, California
11/2/2016How Can Man have Peace without God?vs. Dr. Abdullah KundeSydney, Australia
4/16/2016The Church Would Have Been Better Off Without the Reformationvs. Jesuit Priest Rev. Dr. NorrisRevelation TV
10/14/2015Is Jesus God?vs. Ayoob KarimDurban, South Africa
10/13/2015Parallel Accounts in the Bible & the Quranvs. Yusuf IsmailDenis Hurley Centre Auditorium, Durban, SA
10/9/2015The Same Sex Marriagevs. Graeme CodringtonJohannesburg, South Africa
10/12/2015Is the Bible a book of peace?vs. Yusuf IsmailDurban, South Africa
10/12/2015Is the Quran a book of peace?vs. Yusuf IsmailDurban, South Africa
5/23/2015The Divinity of Christvs. Shaykh Mustafa UmarAnaheim, CA
5/7/2015The Romans 9 Debate vs. Leighton FlowersGrand Prairie, Texas
12/23/2014Calvinism vs Arminianism vs. Steve Gregg
11/19/2014The Debate that Never Wasvs. Tom AscolRoyal Plaza Hotel
11/8/2014Is Jesus God Almightyvs. Shadid LewisNew Hyde Park Baptist Church, Long Island, NY
10/8/2014Crucifixion or Crucifiction?vs. Ayoob KarimDurban, South Africa
10/7/2014The Christology of John, the Christology of the Quranvs. Yusuf IsmailJuma Masjid (Grey Street Mosque), Durban, South Africa
10/5/2014New Testament Reliability vs. Lee BakerMagna, Utah
10/3/2014Who was the Founder of Christianity? Jesus or Paul?vs. Bashir VarniaLenasia, South Africa
7/8/2014Does God Know the Future?vs. Bob EnyartBrown Palace Hotel, Denver, Colorado
1/25/2014Is Divine Healing for Today?vs. Dr. Michael BrownRevelation TV
10/12/2013Catholic vs Protestant-Sola Scripturavs. Peter D. WilliamsLondon, UK
10/8/2013Did the Earliest Followers of Jesus Believe in His Deity?vs. Dr. Shabir AllyUniversity of Pretoria, South Africa
10/7/2013Sin and Salvationvs. Dr. Shabir AllyAbu Bakr Siddique Mosque, Erasmia, South Africa
10/4/2013Trinity and Tawhidvs. Yusuf BuxUniversity of Johannesburg, South Africa
10/3/2013Has the Quran Been Accurately Transmitted?vs. Yusuf IsmailNorth-West University, Potchestfroom, South Africa
10/3/2013Has the New Testament Been Accurately Transmitted?vs. Yusuf IsmailNorth-West University, Potchestfroom, South Africa
10/2/2013Can God Become Man?vs. Bashir VarniaLenasia, South Africa
5/17/2013Is Homosexuality Consistent with Biblical Christianity?vs. Justin LeeHelena, Montana
9/2/2013St. Paul & Justificationvs. NT WrightLondon, UK
2/26/2013The Quran or the Bible?vs. Adnan RashidTrinity College, Dublin, Ireland
2/14/2013Predestination Debatevs. Dr. Michael BrownSouthern Evangelical Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina
9/24/2012Was the Quran Reliably Transmitted from the Prophet Muhammad?vs. Adnan RashidLondon, UK
9/24/2012Was the New Testament Reliably Transmitted from its Authors?vs. Adnan RashidLondon, UK
9/19/2012Was Jesus Crucified?vs. Sami ZaatariTrinity Road Chapel, South London, UK
9/17/2012Is Muhammad Prophesied in the Bible?vs. Zakir HussainLondon, UK
9/1/2012Is the Bible Corrupted?vs. Adnan Rashid
3/22/2012Did Jesus Claim Deity?vs. Shabir AllyToronto, Canada
12/29/2011Is Jesus God? With Michael Brown vs. Sir Anthony Buzzard and Joseph GoodPhoenix, Arizona
11/25/2011Is Jesus God? vs. Patrick NavasTheopologetics Podcast
10/21/2011The Trinityvs. Roger PerkinsQueensland, Australia
10/17/2011Can God become a Man?vs. Dr. Abdullah KundeLondon, UK
2/11/2011Does the Quran Misrepresent Christianity?vs. Bassam ZawadiNew South Wales, Australia
2/2/2011King James Onlyismvs Jack MoormanRevelation TV
1/13/2011The Bondage of the Willvs. Dr. Steve BlakemoreDeep South Regional Founders Conference
10/22/2010Is Purgatory Biblical?vs. Robert SungenisNewburg, OR
9/10/2010Assurance of Salvation in Islamvs. Abdullah KundeABN Television / Skype
9/10/2010The Bodily Assumption of Maryvs. Robert SungenisSanta Fe, NM
9/10/2010Predestination or Free Will?vs. Robert SungenisSanta Fe, NM
8/30/2010Is the New Testament Evil?vs. David SilvermanAmityville, NY
8/28/2010The Immaculate Conceptionvs. Christopher FerraraHuntington, NY
6/20/2010Is the Bible the Word of God?vs. Sheikh Muhammad Ahmed AwalDetroit, MI
5/7/2010Is the Bible True?vs. Dr. Robert PriceInnisbrook, FL
2/23/2010The Trinityvs. Dr. Anthony BuzzardLondon, England, Unbelievable Radio Broadcast
2/23/2010Which is more trustworthy - The Qur'an or the Bible?vs. Adnan RashidLondon, England, Unbelievable Radio Broadcast
2/22/2010The Trinityvs. Abdullal al AndalusiLondon, England
1/28/2010Purgatory Mentioned in 1 Corinthians 3vs. Tim StaplesThe Dividing Line Radio Broadcast
1/26/2010Calvinism vs Arminianismvs. Michael BrownMichael Brown Radio Show
11/7/2009Jesus in the Bible and the Quranvs. Imam Syed Z. SayeedQueens, NY
9/26/2009Was Jesus a Myth?vs. Dan BarkerNewberg, OR
8/17/2009The Bible & the Quran: Which is the Light to the World?vs. Dr. Abdullah KundeSydney, Australia
7/28/2009Has the Church Age Ended?vs. Harold CampingGrace Reformed Babptist Church, Long Island, NY
6/25/2009The Bible & the Quranvs. Imam Shamsi AliQueens, NY
4/30/2009The Triune God of Scripture Livesvs. Dan BarkerUrbana, IL
1/21/2009Does the Bible Misquote Jesus?vs. Bart EhrmanFt. Lauderdale, FL
11/20/2008The Bible vs. the Quran: a Comparisonvs. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali ShahDuke University-Durham, NC
11/17/2008Is Muhammad Prophesied in the Bible? vs. Shabir AllyLondon England
11/17/2008Is Jesus Prophesied in the OT?vs. Shabir AllyLondon England
11/15/2008Does Belief in the Trinity Necessitate Polytheism?vs. Abdullah al AndalusiChristian Premier Radio
11/13/2008Jesus: Divine Son of God or Prophet of Allah?vs. Sami ZaatariLondon, England
11/11/2008Does Belief in the Trinity Necessitate Shirk?vs. Adnan RashidLondon, England
11/5/2008Paedobaptism or Credobaptism?vs. Gregg StrawbridgeThe Dividing Line
9/21/2008Did Jesus Claim to Be God?vs. Farhan QureshiBellflower, CA
9/20/2008Can We Trust the New Testament?vs. Osama AbdullahBellflower, CA
9/20/2008Was Jesus Crucified or Substituted?vs. Osama AbdullahBellflower, CA
4/22/2008Gay Marriage Debatevs. Dr. Michael K. SchutzHayward, CA
4/12/2008Is Jesus Christ God?vs. Jalal AbualrubFullerton, CA
4/3/2008The Freedom of God in Salvationvs. Steve Gregg Radio (Audio Only)Radio Broadcast
3/21/2008Can We Trust What the New Testament Says about Jesus and the Gospel?vs. Nadir AhmedOld Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
10/20/2007Did Jesus Offer Himself on the Cross as a Willing Sacrifice for the Sins of Gods People?vs. Shabir AllySeattle, WA
8/23/2007Bible Alone - Bible Answer Manvs. Jimmy AkinRadio Broadcast
11/8/2006Is Homosexuality Consistent with Biblical Christianity?vs. Bishop John Shelby SpongOrlando, FL
10/12/2006Baptism for Believers Only?vs. Pastor William ShishkoLong Island, NY
5/4/2006Is the New Testament We Possess Today Inspired?vs. Shabir AllyBiola University
4/21/2006Calvinism vs. Arminianismvs. Dr. Jonathan WrightSmith-Cotton High School Sedalia, MO
8/29/2005The Resurrection of Jesus ChristWith James Renihan vs. Marcus Borg and John Dominic CrossanSun Princess (at sea)
8/27/2005Is the Bible True?vs. John Dominic CrossanSeattle, WA
6/23/2005Is it Possible for a Non-Christians Enter Heaven?vs. William RutlandLong Island, NY
4/8/2005Regeneration and Perseverancevs. Robert WilkinOklahoma City, OK
11/4/2004Are Roman Catholics Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ?vs. Douglas WilsonLos Angeles, CA
5/20/2004Is The Apocrypha Scripture?vs. Gary MichutaLong Island, NY
5/20/2004Gay Marriage?vs. Dee BradshawSalt Lake City, UT
4/2/2004Are Temples Consistent with NT Christianity?vs. Richard HopkinsSalt Lake City, UT
12/11/2003Jesus: God or a god?vs. Gregory StaffordTampa, FL
10/4/2003Did Mary Have Other Children?vs. Gerry MataticsUniversity of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
8/14/2003The Irresistible Grace of Godvs. Dave HuntRadio Broadcast
5/22/2003Is The Roman Catholic Priesthood Biblical & Ancient? vs. Fr. Mitch PacwaLong Island, NY
4/4/2003What is Accomplished in the Atonement?vs. Dennis PotterSalt Lake City, UT
4/1/2003Is the Roman Mass a Propitiatory Sacrifice? vs. Robert SungenisSalt Lake City, UT
11/1/2002Does God Know the Future?vs. John SandersOrlando, FL
11/1/2002Is Knowing Jesus the Only Way to be Saved?vs. John SandersTampa, FL
10/5/2002Can Men Become Gods?vs. Martin TannerSalt Lake City, UT
7/18/2002Veneration of Saints and Imagesvs. Patrick MadridLong Island, NY
4/5/2002The Fall of Adam and Its Consequencesvs. Gilbert ScharffsSalt Lake City, UT
4/2/2001Who Controls Salvation?vs. George BrysonAnaheim, CA
2001-10Grace and Worksvs. Roger KellerSalt Lake City, UT
5/26/2001Gay Christianityvs. Rick ShaefferRadio Broadcast
5/24/2001Purgatory: Biblical or Mythical?vs. Fr. Peter StravinskasLong Island, NY
5/15/2001Is Homosexuality Compatible with Authentic Christianity? vs. Barry LynnLong Island, NY
3/30/2001The Will of Manvs. Richard HopkinsSalt Lake City, UT
11/10/2000Papal Infallibilityvs. Robert SungenisClearwater, FL
7/7/2000Papal Infallibilityvs. Tim StaplesFullerton, CA
5/25/2000Justification by Faith?vs. Robert SungenisLong Island, NY
2000-04Justification by Faithvs. Robert SungenisSalt Lake City, UT
12/1/1999Are the Scriptures the Sole Infallible Rule of Faith?vs. Fr. Mitch PacwaEl Cajon, CA
5/27/1999Does the NT Teach that Jesus is God?vs. Hamza Abdul MalikSyosset, NY
5/22/1997Sola Scripturavs. Gerry MataticsLong Island, NY
5/21/1997Is Calvinism Biblical?vs. Jim BarkerQueens, NY
5/18/1999How Biblical is the Trinity? vs. Robert SabinPatchogue, NY
5/1/1999The Massvs. Robert SungenisLong Island, NY
3/13/1999The KJV & The Deity of Christvs. Thomas HollandIndianapolis, IN
5/21/1998How Biblical and Ancient is the Papacy?vs. Fr. Mitch PacwaLong Island, NY
5/16/1998Predestination and Electionvs. Paul BarberQueens, NY
7/23/1996Is the Bible the Only Infallible Rule of Faith?vs. Tim Staples
5/23/1996The Marian Doctrines vs. Gerry MataticsLong Island, NY
6/1/1996The Apologetics of Vinney Lewisvs. Vinney Lewis
1/1/1996The Origins of Christianityvs. Richard HopkinsRadio Broadcast
1995-10PaedobaptismWith Geoff VolkerUniversity of New Mexico
1995-06PaedobaptismWith Geoff Volker vs. Robert Strimple and Gary JohnsonTempe, AZ
7/25/1995The PapacyWith Robert Zins vs. Scott Butler and Robert SungenisBoston College, Boston, MA
7/1/1995Perseverance vs. Jimmy AkinRadio Broadcast
6/1/1995The Eucharist, Sola Scriptura and Traditionvs. Jimmy AkinRadio Broadcast
4/1/1995Proclaiming the Gospel of Grace in Salt LakeRadio Broadcast
7/21/1994Is the King James the Best Version?vs. D.A. Waite
7/15/1994Papal Infallibilityvs. Dr. Robert FastigiSt. Edward's University Austin, TX
7/15/1994Maryvs. Dr. Robert FastigiSt. Edward's University Austin, TX
7/15/1994Indulgencesvs. Dr. Robert FastigiSt. Edward's University Austin, TX
7/15/1994Justificationvs. Dr. Robert FastigiSt. Edward's University Austin, TX
11/1/1993New Age Bible Versions Refutedvs. Gail RiplingerKRDS Radio
9/28/1993Does the Bible Teach Sola Scriptura?vs. Patrick MadridSan Diego, CA
8/13/1993Did The Early Church Believe in a Papacy?vs. Gerry MataticsDenver, CO
8/12/1993Does the New Testament Teach that Peter was the First Pope?vs. Gerry MataticsDenver, CO
4/1/1993The Apocryphavs. Gerry MataticsBoston College
4/1/1993Justification by Faithvs. Gerry MataticsBoston College
11/13/1992Sola Scripturavs. Gerry MataticsOmaha, NB
1/1/1992Challenging Mormonism vs. Van Hale & Alma AllredSalt Lake City, UT
5/8/1991Justification vs. Art SippoToledo, OH
1/1/1991The Massvs. Fr. Mitch PacwaEl Cajon, CA
1/1/1991Justification by Faithvs. Fr. Mitch PacwaEl Cajon, CA
12/15/1990Was Peter a Pope?vs. Gerry MataticsTempe, AZ
12/14/1990Eternal Security?vs. Gerry MataticsPhoenix, AZ
1990-08Sola Scripturavs. Gerry MataticsLong Beach, CA
1/1/1990Fundamentalists Anonymousvs. Ann McKinneyPhoenix Radio

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