Learning New Testament Greek comes by hard work and consistency. For those who know Greek, the following two links are guides, not just to stay on top of your Greek, but to improve it as well. The 3 steps may seem at first like a mechanical process, but that is because they should be. But don’t fret because after some time these steps will become second nature, and you will not even be conscious of doing them.

   The translating that I advocate is quality over quantity. Gone should be the days when Greek students rip through a Greek epistle (speed reading) by simply rendering verses without giving any thought to grammatical reflection. All that does, in my opinion, is increase your vocabulary a little more—something that would happen in due time.

   I trust the following guides will be helpful in managing your language studies.

3 Steps to Reviewing and Improving New Testament Greek

A Method of New Testament Greek Vocabulary Acquisition

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