Some friends of mine recently showed me their new copies of A Reader’s Greek New Testament from Zondervan. I was immediately in love. There is nothing more enjoyable than spending some time in the text, just reading, and this particular volume will help all of you who have studied the language through “first year” in the past to pick up the text once again and just spend time reading. It assumes a 30-word vocabulary; i.e., that you know all words used 30 or more times in the NT (that is a list of approximately 460 words). At the bottom of the page, instead of the textual notes, you have brief definitions given for those words used less than 30 times. Hence, you can carry the text anywhere (it is barely 3/4 of an inch thick) and sit back and translate whenever you have the opportunity to do so. And the price is right: Amazon has it for right at $20.00.

Positives: Easy to carry. Nice leather-like cover (it is called “Italian Duo-Tone,” whatever that is, but it’s nice). Gold page edges, nice paper.

Negatives: The font is horrible. It is neither the clear, italic-like UBS font, nor the NA27 font, nor the BibleWorks font, nor the Mounce font. It is italicized, extremely so. It may be difficult for some to read, to be honest, but surely nothing that one can’t get used to over time.

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