Went long today, so get a deep seat in the proverbial saddle! Spent quite some time on the Max Lucado debacle wherein he apologizes for having spoken the truth 17 years ago—a truth that is now “hurtful.” Then we moved on to the Ravi Zacharias scandal and developments therein. Finally I finished up with about half an hour on last evening’s sermon on Psalm 2, 110, Isaiah 42:1-4, and 1 Corinthians 15:20ff, my apologetic for having entered, tardily, and late in life, into the postmillennial camp (I must say, they have much better chips and salsa than the amils). I promised that I would link to this video presentation which is very well done which will help folks consider some of the key issues relating to the topic.
Tags: 00:00 Pain Management 05:00 Blog and Mablog 05:45 John Piper in the Attic 12:30 A Constant State of Penance 14:15 Max Lucado's Apology 35:00 RZIM 73:15 The Sunday Sermon 86:15 Psalm 110:1-2 92:30 1Cor 15:20
James White, , Christian Worldview, Exegesis, Homosexuality, Musings, Pastoral Theology, Pauline Studies, Persecution, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Racialism, The Dividing Line