Even though Harold Camping isn’t actively speaking on Family Radio since his illness, his followers are still busy. On Family Radio’s website the most recent recording appears to be from Tom Evans (Evans is on the board of Family Radio, and claims to have known Mr. Camping for thirty years). They are promoting his “Latest Study (Oct 16,2011)” (mp3). It’s a fascinating listen. At around eleven minutes in he says,
“2011 has become a very real year. It has become a very important year. So now, here we are now. The ten thousand pound elephant sitting right in the room. In less than five days from today, we’ll know whether we were right or wrong, whether we understood the scriptures correctly, whether the Spirit of God directed us, or whether we were deceived. That’s a big question.”
At around sixteen minutes in Tom says,
“Has the Spirit of God guided us to this point? I say yes. I’m not ashamed of the Gospel. I’m not ashamed of all the verses.”
This link also covers this audio presentation from Family Radio: Harold Camping Oct. 21 Rapture: Family Radio Seeks to Comfort Believers Ahead of ‘Rapture’.
And by the way, free materials from Family Radio are no longer available till October 24. They are now available to October 27.