In 2004 (see 8/19 & 8/24) I put together a conference that included Dr. White and Dr. Stephen J. Nichols as the speakers. The audio for this conference has never been online. Well, it is now, at least some of it.
I have posted to Sermon Audio the two lectures by Stephen Nichols dealing with Jonathan Edwards and his apologetic. The lectures are based on his book titled An Absolute Sort of Certainty: The Holy Spirit and the Apologetics of Jonathan Edwards (P&R, 2003).
Here are the links
Jonathan Edwards’ Apologetic in Theory and Jonathan Edwards’ Apologetic in Practice.
Lord willing I will put up Dr. White’s lectures in the very near future. This conference was right before Scripture Alone went to press.
While Dr. White’s lectures are not yet online, the sermon he preached (image this) at Calvary Orthodox Presbyterian Church, that Sunday, is online here (based upon Phil. 2:5-11).