Tuesday morning at 11am MST, 2pm EDT, I will be addressing the events of the past few days on the Dividing Line. I can honestly say that we have never seen a firestorm like that which began yesterday, and it has been, well, educational. So I will be talking about ethnic gnosticism, about whether you have to “walk in someone’s shoes” to be able to repeat the commands of Scripture. I will be asking why some people insist upon reading Scripture through a particular ethnic lens, rather than examining their ethnicity through a Scriptural lens (they are not the same thing). And then I will be looking at the abject cowardice of the “pilers on,” the sad folks who oppose me and this ministry for whatever reason, but who cannot do so in an open, honest, biblical fashion—but instead watch for something like this, and then “pile on” just for the joy of causing dissension and, they obviously hope, discomfort for me (and damage to our work). And finally, I will be looking at the damage platforms like Twitter are doing (James 1:19). Join us!
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.