Thanks be to the Lord, we have completed arrangements for the debates in London (still a few other items to arrange, but the major stuff is done). I am providing it as quickly as possible:
“Does Belief in the Trinity Necessitate Shirk?”
Adnan Rashid vs. James White
Location: Westbourne Park Baptist Church, Porchester Rd, London, W2 5DP
Thursday, 13 November 2008
James White vs. Sami Zaatari: “Jesus: Divine Son of God or Prophet of Allah?”
8pm at Trinity Road Chapel, 205-207 Trinity Road, Upper Tooting, London SW17. Contact or visit for more details.
Monday, 17 November 2008
James White vs. Shabir Ally: “Is Jesus Prophesied in the OT?” and “Is Muhammad Prophesied in the Bible?”
7:30pm at Twynholm Baptist Church, Fulham Cross, 324-326 Lillie Road, Fulham, London, SW6 7PP. Contact or visit for more details.
I will be preaching on both Sundays. On November 9th I will be at the Edmonton Baptist Chapel, Ingleton Road, Edmonton, N18 2RS. 10:30 Sunday Service, 17:00 Teaching Ministry. This is my dear brother Roger Brazier’s church, so I look forward to seeing all of my friends there once again.
On November 16th I will be with my friend Doug McMasters at the Trinity Road Chapel (same location as the Thursday debate above). See the website for service times. I will also be speaking to the mens group there on Saturday morning.
Now, once I get one more item nailed down, we should have everything set! My thanks especially to David Wood and Doug McMasters for pushing through the final arrangements.
I would also like to make sure folks know that David Wood is debating in London the same week I am. Here are some of his debates:
“The Satanic Verses: Fabricated or Historical?”
David Wood vs. Adnan Rashid
“The Biblical Jesus: Why We Chose to Accept and Reject”
Yahya Hayder Seymour vs. David Wood
Location: Westbourne Park Baptist Church, Porchester Rd, London, W2 5DX
Sunday, November 16th
“Peace and Violence in Christianity and Islam”
David Wood vs. Adnan Rashid
Location: Westbourne Park Baptist Church, Porchester Rd, London, W2 5DP
Pray for us both as we seek to set forth the gospel of our Lord and King, Jesus Christ, with clarity, passion, and love. May God be pleased to reveal Jesus Christ in all His glory to many in attendance!