Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
2 John 9-11 Examined
James White, , Exegesis, General ApologeticsLet’s talk a bit about 2 John 9, as it has been thrown about a lot lately. First, you always look at a text in its context, and in this case, that is determinative. Look at what John is talking about (translations mine): “For many deceivers have gone out into the world, the ones not confessing Jesus Christ having come
Exposing False Attacks Upon the Trinity
James White, , General Apologetics, Islam, The Dividing LineWe had not planned to do a DL today, but with the release of a video from Yahya Snow we decided to review two of his offerings, both of which contain misrepresentations of Christian belief. By analyzing these videos hopefully the believer will be better prepared to give an answer for the faith, and to recognize the next “Yahya Snowjob”
Live at Nine Television Program from London
James White, , General ApologeticsFor those who did not get to watch live, here is the program we did in London on the reliability of Scripture on Genesis-Revelation TV.
It’s Just a Coincidence Illustrated, Back to Middle Knowledge with WLC
James White, , Christian Worldview, General Apologetics, Pastoral Theology, Post-Evangelicalism, Reformed Apologetics, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersStarted off with a few minutes about the facts regarding the Kamala Cookies (forced vaccine mandates) and the reality that billions of dollars will buy you tons of lies. Then we moved back into reading and interacting with Dr. William Lane Craig’s presentation of middle knowledge and Molinism in his book, The Only Wise God. The Dividing Line 11/11/2021 It's
William Lane Craig on Presuppositionalism, More on the White/Howse (Get It?) Controversy
James White, , Christian Worldview, Exegesis, General Apologetics, Islam, Reformed Apologetics, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersSimply had to deal with William Lane Craig’s review of a debate on apologetic methodology at the start—we will be waiting further installments as this conversation continues. Then I moved on to comment on the Janet Mefferd Show episode that aired Monday, Brannon Howse’s turning me over to Satan, etc. and etc. Comments on 2 John 7-11 as well. A
A Quick Report from Urbana
James White, , General ApologeticsJust a quick note to thank everyone who made tonight such a wonderful success. A group of “channel rats” pitched in to do a lot of work in getting the debate video taped, including ENielsen, Dale, Algo, and brigand. We also had DaveHewitt and Celticman and wonky in attendance, too (and SN was there….in command of it all). Thanks to
January 21, 2009, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida: Can the New Testament Be Inspired in Light of Textual Variation? James White vs. Bart Ehrman
James White, , General ApologeticsThere is probably no more pressing apologetic concern than the constant attacks upon the veracity and integrity of the text of Scripture. And no one is more central in the current attacks upon the New Testament than the chair of the department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina, author of The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture and the
A Resource For You
James White, , General ApologeticsA channel regular mentioned I might want to fix up my YouTube page, which I honestly did not know I even had, so I took a few moments to do so today. Once I upload the next video blog (which is converting formats even as I type this), I’ll have 59 videos posted, with, Lord willing, lots more coming. It
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