Chris Arnzen hosts the daily radio show, Iron Sharpens Iron. Each day, Chris presents an hour long interview on topics that are important to Christians:

Roman Catholicism
“How do you know your private interpretation of the Bible is correct over against the private interpretation of every other denomination?” “How can you be certain that you are in the truth since all you have to go on is your own fallible private judgment that your church is right?” “How do you know you’ve picked the right denomination?” “How can you believe in sola Scriptura, a principle that has resulted in over 25,000 Protestant denominations?” Sound familiar? If you’ve ever spent time dialoguing with a Roman Catholic apologist, chances are you’ve been confronted with these very questions. Eric Svendsen, director of New Testament Research Ministries, recently addressed these questions on Iron Sharpens Iron. The MP3 can be found here: UPON THIS SLIPPERY ROCK: Countering Roman Catholic Claims to Authority.

Do Catholics think Mother Teresa of Calcutta should be a Saint? Chris recently interviewed Mark Michael Zima, a Traditionalist Catholic in good standing, on his controversial views regarding Mother Teresa of Calcutta. The show can be found here: An Open Letter to Pope Benedict XVI Regarding the Cause for Canonization of Mother Teresa.

Oneness Pentecostalism: Daniel West, pastor of The Potter’s House, gave his personal testimony of discovering and embracing the true God and Gospel of the Holy Scriptures- “Oneness By Deception, Won By the Trinity: The Testimony of a Former ‘Oneness’ (‘Jesus Only’) Pentecostal.”

Reformed Theology: Dr. Joel Beeke, President and Professor of Systematic Theology & Homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, addressed the theme of his latest book: Living For God’s Glory: An Introduction to Calvinism.

Islam: David Wood gave an excellent over of violence and Islam, the MP3 can be found here:Is Islam a religion of peace?

For those of you new to Iron Sharpens Iron, make sure to check out Chris Arnzen introducing Dr. White’s Baptism debate:

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