Here is the updated Schedule:
Monday 12 Oct, 2015 6:15pm (New Time)
Denis Hurley Centre, 2 Cathedral Road, Durban 4001, South Africa (New Address)
Debate: Is the Qur’an/Bible a book of peace
James White vs Yusuf Ismail
Tuesday 13 Oct, 2015 6:15pm (New Time)
Denis Hurley Centre, 2 Cathedral Road, Durban 4001, South Africa (New Address)
Debate: The Synoptic problem in the NT & parallel sources in the Qur’an
James White vs Yusuf Ismail
Wednesday 14 Oct, 2015 7:45pm
David Landau Community Centre, 5 Crocus Rd, Durban, South Africa
Debate: Was Jesus God?
James White vs Ayoob Karim
Our apologies for the changes in location and time—we were only informed of the changes at the last minute, and had no control over them.