I have received confirmation, thankfully, that I will be debating Dr. Zulfiqar Shah on the topic of the deity of Christ in Durham, North Carolina in November. I can now let you know that I have been arranging the London trip to allow me to fly to the UK, debate there, minister, preach, etc., then fly back to the US. But instead of flying all the way back across the continent, I will be flying to Durham for the Battle for the Truth Conference. We will open the conference with my debate with Dr. Shah. Joining me in speaking at the Conference will be men like Phil Johnson of Grace To You, or maybe better known to our readers, as the Pyromaniac. In any case, Dr. Shah is one of the most scholarly, well-read apologists for Islam I’ve encountered, so I expect a very in-depth exchange regarding the deity of Christ. I truly hope it will impress upon those attending the conference how important the “battle for truth” really is. The date of the debate is Thursday evening, November 20th. I will have exact location details soon.
   I can’t express how excited I am about what is coming up this fall! We do not have this fully confirmed yet, but remember how in May of 2007 I had the opportunity of being on Revelation TV in London to present the case for the doctrines of grace (you can watch the videos from that here)? Well, they enjoyed having me on, and extended the invitation to be on whenever I get back to London. So, one of my dear brothers in London contacted them, and they would like to arrange to do a program on Islam with a Muslim apologist! I have contacted the apologist I would like to be on with me, and am waiting to hear back from him even now. What an opportunity it would be to combine two formal debates, a trip to Speaker’s Corner, and a debate on television as well! Talk about covering a wide range of audiences!
   Obviously, I seek the prayers of God’s people for the awesome opportunities represented by London, Durham, Southern California, and, of course, the Ehrman debate in January. Pray for my health and clarity of thought in preparation! I should mention that during the next few weeks I will need to finish the new second edition of The King James Only Controversy and I am likewise going to do a second edition of The Potter’s Freedom! And again, I need to let the people of God know of the continuing need to fund the trip to London. It would be wonderfully encouraging to have a number of churches step forward to assist with this project, it really would. We need to make certain decisions and purchases very soon, so if you would like to assist us with this special opportunity, please let us know! Thank you!

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