Greenville Seminary is hosting a class on Islam the week of September 6-10. The instructor is Anees Zaka is founder and senior missionary of Church Without Wall, based in Philadelphia, PA. He is authored numerous books including this one, reviewed here and this book both published by P&R. You can listen to Zaka preach on “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name by clicking here.
I received an Email regarding the class stating “This class is available for audit and Dr. Zaka’s church has graciously offered to cover the audit fees for members of the community who would like to attend.” So, if anyone is interested in taking the course, seating and scholarships is limited. If interested, contact the registrar at GPTS.
This Islam class is now on a regular rotation (it is a required M.Div course) in our curriculum; I’m pushing to have Dr. White teach this class in the future. 🙂