Here is my first rebuttal from Saturday night’s debate with Osama Abdullah. The debate was supposed to be on the reliability of the New Testament, but Osama decided to do the “scatter gun” thing, raising a dozen different topics or more, throwing out everything he could think of, all the while completely ignoring my presentation and the material I presented. So, here are my comments in my first “rebuttal” period.

Just a quick note (I just arrived back in Phoenix), the debate yesterday with Farhan Qureshi was vastly superior to the debates on Saturday, and I will try to get a clip of that up as soon as possible.

Many thanks to all who prayed and supported us in this weekend, and a special thanks to George Saieg and David Wood for their hard work this weekend. And a special thanks to BB the BAD Reformed Baptist, and his Italian side-kick, WFP. Don’t even try to figure that one out.

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