I have put together a YouTube playlist of the sixteen videos I have done providing response and refutation to what is promoted on The Deen Show. If you have Muslim friends, they might find the following to be of interest.
James White, , Islam
I have put together a YouTube playlist of the sixteen videos I have done providing response and refutation to what is promoted on The Deen Show. If you have Muslim friends, they might find the following to be of interest.
https://youtu.be/1r6DF4D_5wI https://youtu.be/KgH01SHUwU0 https://youtu.be/fyA2nKfZOwY https://youtu.be/qwJzFBE-pUQ
A caller on the last DL asked about something I have noted a few times in the past regarding the text of the Qur’an. As it would take a while to type all of this out, I will address it on the DL on Tuesday instead. But for now, in fulfillment of my promise to provide the information, here it
Spent a little less than half an hour responding to Dr. Robert Morey’s debate challenge (well, I’ve only been told about it, I haven’t actually seen it), giving some history and once again refocusing upon the real issues. Then we looked at Dr. Frank Turek’s response to a question about free will and predestination, and then moved on to Dr.
Yesterday I posted a very brief response to comments made by Jalal Abualrub on his blog. Unfortunately, he has responded by demonstrating that once again the context and intention of those with whom he disagrees does not seem to be his first concern, and this is quite troubling. I had pointed out that I had taken the time to ask
Considered the implications of the rapid fall of Afghanistan back into the control of the Taliban at the start of the program, then gave a report from my time in Moscow at the Grace Agenda Conference, NSA Commencement, and preaching at Christ Church. Then looked a bit at the release of Mark in the ECM and the release of the
As a rule, while Muslims revere Jesus as a prophet, they do not celebrate Christmas, mostly because they recognize it is a distinctly Christian festival espousing a particularly Christian belief (the Incarnation) that is blasphemy to Muslims. While some Muslims might put up lights and Christmas trees in response to the cultural celebration, even this is regarded as dangerous since
Dealt with a number of articles on the program today from a stack of articles I had thrown into Evernote, including dealing with the decline in religious freedom, the Pope and indulgences, Muslim nations banning Christmas—even a few words on Piper’s controversial article about Christians and self-defense. A wide-ranging show! Here is the YouTube link:
Did more than a Jumbo, but less than a Mega, today (1:45), responding to video clips posted by Yahya Snow mainly from the comments of Dr. Mike Licona wherein he said Mark was confused as to the location of the feeding of the five thousand, etc. Lots of discussion of inspiration, inerrancy, synoptic issues, allegations of contradiction, etc. Not an
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Alpha and Omega Ministries
P.O. Box 37106
Phoenix, AZ 85069
Office Hours
8am to 5pm MST
877-753-3341 (US Callers Only)
James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the author of more than twenty books, a professor and an accomplished debater.
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