OK, so we have more than a staff of two can handle at one time. Yeah, we bit off way more than we could chew on the move, and are paying the price months later. Well, we do our best. In any case, while we wanted to do our own editing, graphics, and the like, for the Shabir Ally debate, we basically just went with what was sent to us instead, since Rich hasn’t learned to bi-locate as yet, and just can’t seem to give up that sleep thing. So despite all of that, we are very happy to now offer the Shabir Ally debate on the inspiration of the New Testament on DVD, which was recorded at Biola University in early May. It is available here. If you enjoyed the Hamza Abdul Malik debate from 1999, you will surely enjoy this one even more so. The production values on this debate are far, far beyond those obtainable with the Malik debate. Those who have listened to the mp3 of the Ally debate will want to watch the video as well, for many in our culture today have been trained to be visually oriented, and hence can pick up a number of things from the DVD that would not be noticed in the mp3 recording. Also, for those who have wanted a means to introduce the work of A&O to your elders, or have been looking for a video to show in your Bible Study, this would be an excellent choice.
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.