Jehovah’s Witness and the oncoming information age. Jehovah’s Witnesses Trinity claims refuted in “What Really Happened at Nicaea?” on CRI Journal.

Refuting a Catholic on IRC stating that anyone baptized in trinitarian baptism formula is saved. Spoke of Keith Green’s influence and passing away on July 28th 1982. Conversation with a caller from Harrisburg Pennsylvania (James’ hometown) discussing why didn’t God simply eradicate sin, leading to a discussion of Gods purposes and decrees in Ephesians 1:6, speaking of the growing trend of Open Theism. This led to a reading of a portion of Jonathan Edwards’ sermon on Divine Sovereignty.

Call in on N.T. Wright, E.P. Sanders James Dunn and New Perspectivism vs. John Piper’s Douglas Moo’s and John Armstrong’s view on Justification.
Call in question on 1 Peter 1:23 and regeneration.
Call in question on the nature of Christ’s body when He became a man.
Mormon call in response to difference in doctrinal emphasis between presidents.

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