Matthew Fenn is a former Jehovah Witness saved by God’s grace through the reading of Philippians chapter 3.
Read his edifying story, here.
“But when I read this passage, I read that was talking about “not having a righteousness of his own”. That blew me away. It blew me away because it was so different from what the Watchtower teaches. The Watchtower teaches that God only saves the godly. The Organization says that Jesus helps us but we also need to help him. He isn’t enough to save us, we need to do something as well. Their version of salvation is Jesus giving the sinner the same chance as Adam had. Jesus needs us to participate and contribute to our own salvation. As a result it isn’t humble, it’s proud. It isn’t joyous, but very angry, critical, and mean. It’s isn’t grace, it’s nothing but pure law.”
After Fenn’s conversion, he would meet with the JW Judicial Committee, which was very telling. So read the whole story!
Here is video of his story: