Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Thoughts on the King James, TR, Ecclesiastical Text Movement, etc.
James White, , King James Onlyism, Textual Issues, The Dividing LineThe whole program today is oriented toward the text of Scripture and how it has been transmitted to us today. I particular focused upon the history of the NT text in the King James Version and relevant issues to the so-called “Ecclesiastical Text” movement of the modern day. Here is the YouTube link:
Ruckmanism Abounds
James White, , King James OnlyismI will be continuing my response to, and rebuttal of, Bryan and Jason on “The Covenanter’s Call” radio program on the DL on Tuesday. They did another program on Tuesday evening where they said they would take calls. I listened to the program, and when they attempted to respond to Revelation 16:5, they indicated that they did not understand the
Cultic KJVOism, then a Deep Dive into Theological Method
James White, , Christian Worldview, Church Fathers, Church History, Exegesis, King James Onlyism, Pastoral Theology, Reformed Baptist Issues, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing LineWent more than 90 minutes today starting off with a warning about the abusive forms of cultic KJVOism out there, looking at the Ruckman-esque behavior of one Cody Zorn, a KJV pastor down in Georgia. Then we did a major shift in direction and did a full hour lecture on theology, Scripture, and how we define our faith. We eventually
Response to Southwest Radio Church on King James Controversy, Part 2 (Dr. Waite)
James White, , King James Onlyism, The Dividing LineSince the claim was made on the radio that Dr. White was evasive during their 1996 debate, Dr. White played a clip from that debate in order to demonstrate that it was Waite who needed to avoid Dr. White’s questions. The show also applies some principles of sound textual criticism to this issue. A snail mail response from Southwest Bible
New Age Bible Versions Refuted Part II
James White, , King James OnlyismContinued from Part I In Conclusion…. It is not joyous to have to engage in the kind of task that requires you to dwell upon mistakes, errant conclusions, and mis-citations. I would much rather take my time to speak of the wonders of God’s providence in preserving His Word through the centuries, not in the way the KJV Only folks
Response to Southwest Radio Church on King James Controversy, Part 3 (Dr. Waite)
James White, , King James Onlyism, The Dividing LineDr White continues to respond to SRC’s review of his book that did not seem represent or respond to the contents of the book, and correct misinformation about principles of textual criticism on the part of KJV Onlyists. They also rely on incredibly outdated information to defend the KJV Only view.
An Ultra Mega Dividing Line (2.5 Hours) Covering…A Ton
James White, , Abortion, Christian Worldview, General Apologetics, Homosexuality, Islam, King James Onlyism, Post-Evangelicalism, Racialism, Reformed Apologetics, Roman Catholicism, Textual Issues, The Dividing LineStarted off the program thanking my hosts in Russia for a wonderful time there. Then we looked at the document produced and signed by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam, Ahmed el-Tayeb, and commented on its actual content (unlike some articles that skipped that part and just went for the sensationalistic side). Then we commented on the left’s drive for
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