Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
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Refuting Jeffrey Riddle on Ephesians 3:9
James White, , King James Onlyism, Textual Issues, TROnlyismI would rather post this as a blog article but I have found our software is very averse to special characters (such as the Papyri symbol) so I am skeptical it would work. So here is a link to the PDF of my 27 page refutation and rebuttal of Jeff Riddle’s attempt to defend the TR at Ephesians 3:9. This
Evangelical Textual Scholar Debunks Chris Pinto’s Conspiracy Claim that Codex Sinaiticus was a “Forgery”
Dr. Alan Kurschner, , King James OnlyismDaniel Wallace, who is one of the foremost Evangelical textual scholars today defending the trustworthiness of the Bible, for example, debating such liberals as Bart Erhman, makes some excellent points refuting the sensational and baseless claim that Codex Sinaiticus is a forgery. Chris Pinto of Noise of Thunder Radio is peddling his egregiously biased documentary promoting his wacky conspiracy theory
Debate: King James Onlyism, Jack Moorman, Revelation TV, 2/2/2011
James White, , King James Onlyism
More Moore, Tim Staples Speaks Synergism, Steven Anderson and the RBs, Phone Calls, Thoughts on Growth and Change
James White, , Exegesis, General Apologetics, Homosexuality, King James Onlyism, Persecution, Personal, Racialism, Reformed Apologetics, Reformed Baptist Issues, Textual Issues, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, TROnlyismA little over 90 minutes today looking at Beth Moore’s article released over the weekend first, then moving on to Tim Staples sounding very much like our synergistic friends in his argumentation. Then we looked at the cooperation of some (to me) local Reformed Baptists with Steven Anderson and how odd that is, took two phone calls (one on spiritual
Another Example of the Danger of KJV Onlyism, Radical Hyper Dispensationalism, and Closed-Minded Fundamentalism
James White, , King James OnlyismYesterday a brother sent me an e-mail in which he linked to this website and pointed out the quotation of Erasmus about 60% down the page, that, at least at the present, reads as follows: These holy pages (KJB) will summon up the living image of His mind. They will give you Christ himself, talking, healing, dying, rising the whole
A Little Covid Madness at the Start, then the Hyper Skepticism of the TR Only Movement in Light of Mark 1:1
James White, , Atheism, CBGM, Christian Worldview, King James Onlyism, Post-Evangelicalism, Textual Issues, The Dividing Line, TROnlyismRead the Great Barrington Declaration and talked a little bit about my hopes that common sense will finally overthrow the tyranny that has entrapped most of the globe, and then completely changed directions and launched into a discussion of the wealth and value of the Greek manuscript tradition in light of the hyper skepticism expressed by Jeffrey Riddle during our
An Ultra Mega Dividing Line (2.5 Hours) Covering…A Ton
James White, , Abortion, Christian Worldview, General Apologetics, Homosexuality, Islam, King James Onlyism, Post-Evangelicalism, Racialism, Reformed Apologetics, Roman Catholicism, Textual Issues, The Dividing LineStarted off the program thanking my hosts in Russia for a wonderful time there. Then we looked at the document produced and signed by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam, Ahmed el-Tayeb, and commented on its actual content (unlike some articles that skipped that part and just went for the sensationalistic side). Then we commented on the left’s drive for
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