This note came through our website from DC in Tennessee:
Dear Dr. White
I grew up in a KJO home. My grandfather wrote a book on the subject (pro KJO) and as a result was close with Peter Ruckman. In 1995 I was 20 years old and I was clueless about truth but addicted to Ruckman’s crazy ideas. I remember that during these years Ruckman went on and on about a James White who had written a book that was trying to destroy people’s faith in “the book” (KJV). I never read you book, but I certainly knew I didn’t like you (after all, you were trying to “destroy my faith”).
10 years later. In 2005 struggled through the version issue and finally realized KJO is absurd. After realizing that the KJO position was false I knew I had to leave my IFBx church. After I left IFBx’dom for good I had no clue where to go. I knew I was lining up with Reformed folk in my worldview but I rejected Calvinism. I decided to study more so I bought Sproul’s Chosen By God. After reading a few chapters I was still unconvinced. I went out and bought Chosen But Free still believing Calvinism was false.
Well, one day, not too long after finishing Chosen But Free I stumbled across a little book called “The Potter’s Freedom, A Rebuttal of Chosen But Free“. I immediately knew that if I was going to be fair about things I would need to read through this book with an open mind. Dr. White, you didn’t waste any time in The Potter’s Freedom destroying every Arminian falsehood and straw-man that I had ever clung to. By the time I was halfway through the book I was a convinced Calvinist. What did me in was the way you consistently exegeted the Scripture. I had no defense to what you were saying. Because of that I knew I was in error, and since then have enjoyed the fine Reformed expository preaching in a Founder’s Friendly SBC church. So, I genuinely say want to say “Thank-you”! God has blessed me because of you ministry and I am thankful for that. I hope to come and meet you someday if you ever make near East Tennessee! God bless you!