Another brother wrote and began his letter, “You have done all former students of Dr. Norman Geisler a great service in your very helpful book The Potter’s Freedom. I am one of those former students and I don’t know how many of us you have heard from, but I just had to write to say, “Thank you.” I am grateful to Dr. Geisler for his clear and insightful teachings in other areas, i.e., bibliology, apologetics, theology proper, etc. But I found his teaching on the doctrines of sovereign grace in soteriology to be confusing and misleading. The problem is that his explanations sound scholarly and reasonable, but, as you have shown, he really is masquerading as an Arminian.”
The rest of the letter went into detail on the issue, and I truly appreciated it. I can’t say how many former students I’ve heard from (almost all written correspondence, i.e., non-electronic, is handled by Rich Pierce), but I do know I have heard from some, and this brother’s experience is not uncommon at all. I’m thankful The Potter’s Freedom has been a blessing to him and so many others.