There are a few resources that need to brought to your attention, if you don’t already know about them.
First, you should know that Stuart Robinson’s Discourses of Redemption is back in print. And as far as I know, the GPTS bookstore is the only one in the US that currently has this in stock. As a matter of fact, this book is back in print with the help a professor at GPTS. Another professor reviewed this book here in which he says “If this book is brought back into print, I encourage you to buy it.” Well, now you have the chance.
Second, many of us have enjoyed the works of G. K. Beale such as Temple and the Church’s Mission: Biblical Theology of the Dwelling Place of God, his commentary on the book of Revelation, the worked he edited with D. A. Carson Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament. A less known work (perhaps it is understandable), but worth reading is We Become What We Worship: A Biblical Theology of Idolatry. A recent work of Beale is his A New Testament Biblical Theology. Well, now Beale has provided us with a book on his methodology – how he comes to his conclusions in Handbook on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament: Exegesis and Interpretation. You can check out some of the pages by clicking here.
Third, given the fact that I collect systematic theologies, this Puritan Theology: A Doctrine of Life edited by Joel Beeke and Mark Jones, will be a welcomed edition. Here are some sample pages.
On a related note, last week PRTS held their annual conference, and this years theme was “The Glory of the Father.” The conference is now over, but you can already enjoy the fruit of it by going here. In particular, I would suggest Ryan McGraw’s lecture titled The Need for a Trinitarian Piety. If I remember correctly, Joel Beeke mentioned that Derek Thomas’ lecture Seeing the Father in the Face of Jesus was worth the price of the conference. I can promise you one thing, this conference will not be all head and no heart – the word will be applied to both.
Fourth, James mentioned Bill Nye “The Science Guy” and his recent comments about evolution, creation and our children. If you do a quick online search you will find a number of responses, but I’ll mentioned a few here. This one is from Answers in Genesis. The guys of at Choosing Hats have two responses: this one and this one. Dr. David Menton was on Issues, Etc. yesterday. That interview is located here. I’ve been waiting for CMI to speak on this issue, but so far they have not. I’m sure there are other responses worth mentioning, but these will get you started.
There are probably some other important resources that could be mentioned today. In fact, I’m sure I could be here all day mentioning them. Well, ok, one more. Today, the guys over at The Reformed Forum released an interview with Lane Tipton on the topic of Nature/Grace Dualism, dealing with that which “undergirds much of how the Catholic church thinks through issues of anthropology, epistemology, and even cultural engagement.” Click here to listen.