This is where Dr. White will be this coming week for the 2010 Spring Theology Conference presented by Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary on the topic “The Nature and Sufficiency of Scripture.”
The conference will be held at Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church in Simpsonville, SC. The conference runs from Tuesday, March 9 (1pm) – Thursday, March 11 (12:15pm). On Tuesday, there will be a prospective student luncheon at the Seminary (need to sign up for this, but I’m sure the seminary would love for you to visit; classes will be in session), and there will be tours of the new seminary building throughout the three days of the conference.
You can check out the schedule of the conference by clicking here. If you want to know Dr. White’s schedule in particular, he will be speaking Wednesday, 1:45-3pm and Thursday 10:35-11:50am. Plus, there will be a number of Q&A sessions in which Dr. White will participate.
On Tuesday and Wednesday evening, 7-8:30pm EDT, Dr. David Murray will preach on the topic of scripture. It is my understanding that both of these sermons will be carried live on Sermon Audio. These two evening sessions are open to the public, so if you did not register and will not register, but you are in the area, come join us during these times.
I am also hoping to put together video of the conference (sshh, perhaps some questions for Dr. White) and will post those on the GPTS YouTube site.
Hope to see you on Tuesday. Don’t forget to stop by the sound room to say “Hi.” One of the selections we’ll be singing at the conference is Ps. 98a. Click Here to listen to the conference attendees from 2006.
[btw: If you are looking for a seminary in which you will receive an excellent education, and affordable tuition ($150 per credit hour), Greenville Seminary may be the place for you. I would encourage you to look through the website. Or, you may want to check out the seminary video, which was one of things that captured my attention].