What an incredible experience. Nineteen days on the road, the Stafford debate, the apologetics cruise, a respiratory infection, preaching at three different churches, all capped off by three hours on The Bible Answer Man broadcast. Just a few things, since I just flew home and have way too much to do to try to dig out from underneath all that stuff that accumulates over time (like when the dog eats the back door out of frustration at not getting to go with us).
First, for those asking us for tapes or CD’s of the BAM program, we don’t have them. Nor will we. CRI will be your only source for the program. If you want the program, download the mp3’s.
Second, we should have the Stafford mp3’s very quickly. Watch the ad column to the right of the main page for details.
Third, many, many thanks to the precious folks who worked so hard to make everything happen over the past almost three weeks, especially: my precious wife and kids, Mike and Sau O’Fallon, Rich Pierce, Warren Smith, Steve Camp, Phil Johnson, Mike and Jane Gendron, Sam Shamoun, Eddie and Tia Dalcour, and all the precious folks who joined us on the Zaandam like St. Dr. Paul “WallyBalt, AstroGeek, Hawaii 5-0 Book ‘Em Dano, Hang Ten Surf’s Up Dude, Goin’ to a Luau, Turns Green When Angry Due to Exposure to Gamma Ray Bursts, Kung Fu Fightin’ Astronomer, Gooberhead, Object of Research, Moon Doggie, ‘WallyBallyLoopyGoopyParaDilllyBoopyAstronomergoober’, Hawaiian Babes Screensaver” Price (inside joke).
Finally, yes, we plan on doing the DL tomorrow morning, live, call-in. Please don’t melt our phone lines. 🙂