Hat tip to the Gobbler:
Boy ‘hired youths to kill his mother’ after computer ban
Hat tip to the Gobbler:
Boy ‘hired youths to kill his mother’ after computer ban
When I first clicked on this link I was worried it was going to be another “Man, can you believe someone like this thinks he can sing?” And when I saw Simon sitting there, my sense of foreboding only increased. But then…well, see for yourself.
Just a quick report, as I will not be able to do a DL while down here. Was going to try to do so tomorrow morning my time, but the hotel wireless and my MacBook Pro simply refuse to communicate no matter what I do, so that won’t be possible. Technology is not yet fully perfected, to be sure. In
If you have ever wondered how it is conservatives are told they can’t address issues of “politics” while liberals can stand in certain churches with impunity, you are not alone. Here is a must-read article on the continued efforts to deny free speech based upon conservative religious belief.
Out of town till Monday afternoon. Can’t guarantee much over the weekend, though I’ve been promised Internet connectivity while I’m away, anyhow, so if that pans out, I’ll try to put in an appearance here. I have three blog series on my “list” to get to, but each will require a fair amount of work, so I’m not sure if
I know the Christmas holiday has passed, but I just now received my copy of Grace Community Church’s presentation of “Let Earth Receive Her King!” This is one I’ll be listening to a lot in December of 2005. I have been privileged to twice attend Grace’s Christmas presentation, and it is simply spectacular. But one thing is for certain: Philip
I am perfectly serious…I was going to write an e-mail to Steve Camp yesterday and say, “Hey, Steve, since you are cranking out all these articles, why not just get with the program, get yourself a blog, get an RSS feed, etc., so the rest of us can keep up with you?” But, I got sidetracked. So what happens today?
February, 2010. The Ergun Caner scandal exploded into the consciousness of the Christian blogosphere when a Muslim blogger and YouTube video producer sent me direct evidence that Ergun Caner had lied about debating Shabir Ally, Abdul Saleeb, and Nadir Ahmed. This led a group of us to start digging deeper, and over the next few months much more information came
I cannot help but noting the irony: on August 26th during the evening session of our national conference I played clips from my 1989 encounter with Robert Funk, the co-founder, along with John Dominic Crossan, of the Jesus Seminar, illustrating the bias very plainly found in Funk’s position (and in his concluding the interview by telling us all to “go
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Alpha and Omega Ministries
P.O. Box 37106
Phoenix, AZ 85069
Office Hours
8am to 5pm MST
877-753-3341 (US Callers Only)
James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the author of more than twenty books, a professor and an accomplished debater.
©2025 Alpha and Omega Ministries. All Rights Reserved.