I wish to once again thank everyone who over the past year has used the Ministry Resource List to bless this work. Few things have been as encouraging as that list. Two brothers even sought out my personal list, which again makes me realize how our work has reached to folks we could never imagine blessing. In any case, I wanted to note that a couple of items, while they have been removed from the list, have never arrived. If you go the list you can choose a pull down menu that switches from “unpurchased” to “purchased.” When I receive an item I remove it from the “purchased” list so that you can tell when your item arrives. There are a few items still on that list that were removed from the unpurchased side more than a month ago, so I am concerned that maybe they were lost in shipping, sent to the wrong address, etc.
Again, thanks to all who have helped us pursue apologetics to the glory of God through this means!