It’s been a busy day around the A&O headquarters. Had a great DL on some really important topics (I will blog that next). Then I was invited (and I accepted, despite what this is going to mean as to preparation time and effort) to join my good friend and brother Michael Brown in a televised two-on-two debate with Sir Anthony Buzzard and another Unitarian on the Trinity right here in Phoenix on September 14th (how could I possibly say no?). This will be only a few days after my two-debate encounter with Bob Sungenis in Santa Fe! Then, I got word from Chris Arnzen that Fr. Peter Stravinskas has agreed to debate me on the role of Mary in the life of the Christian at a large Roman Catholic high school in Long Island on Saturday, August 28th. So, I will do that debate, preach at Lynnbrook Baptist Church and the Massapequa Church of God on Sunday, and then do the debate with American Atheists VP David Silverman Monday evening. Turning into one of the most intensive late summer/fall seasons I can remember! Pray for the now scheduled six debates between now and my trip to Peru at the beginning of November!

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