I mentioned last week another valuable resource for the serious apologist that we would be making available through Alpha and Omega Ministries. Well, here it is, Comfort’s new textual commentary on the New Testament. Sure, we have the Metzger commentary, but that is limited to the variants chosen for inclusion in the UBS text, and there are many other important variants to address. So here is a volume to add to your library that will help you deal with the growing amount of anti-biblical argumentation appearing on the Internet, whether that comes from atheists, Muslims, Mormons, or any other group devoted to the destruction of faith in the validity and trustworthiness of the New Testament. When you purchase your apologetics works through us, you help to keep this ministry moving forward, keep the Dividing Line on the air, and keep the debates going. This would make a great gift for the apologist in your life! And if you are the apologist…well, it would make a great gift for…you!

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